Training and workshops.

Talk Speech and Language Therapy are committed to enabling families, schools and other settings to develop skills in supporting children and young people. We deliver a wide range of training courses at our training facility, or in a suitable location of choice. Alongside our accredited options, we have created bespoke courses which can be tailored to specific needs.
Our booking page is kept up to date with any scheduled course dates. Alternatively, please contact us to discuss your requirements
Accredited Attention Autism Training
Do you offer an irresistible invitation to learn?
Our Advanced Practitioner Rachel Browning delivers the accredited 2 day attention autism course, which is a practical and fun introduction to the 4 stages of the Attention Autism Programme. The course offers lots of opportunity to get creative and share good practice. For more information on Attention Autism please visit Gina Davies website by clicking the logo above.
Accredited Makaton Training
Our Makaton Tutor, Claire Cole, provides a wide range of Makaton Training.
Makaton is a unique language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to enable people to communicate. It supports the development of essential communication skills such as attention and listening, comprehension, memory, recall and organisation of language and expression
Accredited Talk Boost Training
Talk Speech and Language Therapy’s Talk Boost Tutors provide training for all 3 of the Talk Boost programmes. Early, KS1 & KS2
Talk Boost is an evidence based, targeted intervention for children with delayed language. Followoing training, the programmes are delivered in early years and primary schools by the teaching staff. This provides a structured programme to boost children’s progress in language and communication by an average of 9 - 18 months, after a ten week intervention.
Accredited Elklan Training
Our Elklan Tutors can deliver a range of accredited Elklan Training for early years workers, teachers & teaching assistants.
These are a range of Practical training courses for staff working in primary schools and beyond to enable them to develop the speech and language skills of ALL children, but especially those with speech and language difficulties. A range of examples are shown in the image below.

Workshops & Bespoke Training
Introduction to Lego Therapy
This interactive workshop introduces the fantastic approach of LEGO® Therapy. This is an evidence based intervention that develops social skills in a motivating and structured way and is suitable for children and young people of all ages.
Working Memory: A Classroom Guide
An introduction to working memory and the role in plays in everyday life particularly in supporting learning. This overview will provide practical strategies to support working memory difficulties in the classroom.
Supporting Langauge Development in the Early years
This course provides an introduction to typical language development, how to identify speech language and communication needs and the most effective ways to support language development across the day. The course provides you with the practical tools to ensure you are giving the children that you support the best chance to reach their full potential
Identification and Support, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
This package provides an introduction to speech, language and communication needs as well typical language development. The course develops your skills in identifying communication difficulties as well as providing practical strategies to support the children and young people that you work with.
Promoting Vocabulary Development
A child’s acquisition of vocabulary is key to their learning and progress across the whole curriculum. It plays an essential role in literacy development and is one of the best predictors of academic success. This workshop provides an overview of how to support vocabulary development across your setting with practical approaches that can be easily implemented.
Communication & Behaviour
Approximately 80 % of children with emotional and behavioural difficulties have significant language deficits. This course explores the links between communication difficulties and behaviour and provides information to improve the identification and support of children and young people in your settings.