Our fees.
For requests to tender or for Speech & Language Therapy services in Schools, Educational Settings, Charities, CCGs & Local Authorities, please contact us
Clinic Fees - For Families
Our fees, listed opposite are for services provided at our base location in Bristol, for private families and where the following specialist needs aren’t applicable.
Our fees vary for bespoke complex needs assessments and care packages e.g. AAC, feeding issues, home visits, specialist assessments, locations other than our base & specialist expertise requirements.
Please contact us for further details.
Initial Assessment & Detailed Report - In Clinic
This assessment is available at our South Bristol clinic or using Teletherapy where appropriate and if considered to be an effective option. Following the completion of an initial assessment as above, the Speech Therapist will follow up with a more detailed report. This report contains a greater depth of analysis, further specific therapy recommendations and strategies. These reports are often used to enable follow on discussion and guidance for Schools and other professionals, especially when considering next steps and ongoing support requirements.
Clinic or Teletherapy Sessions - In Clinic or Remote
Lasting between 45 & 60 minutes. Delivered either in person at our clinic or as Teletherapy, where appropriate.
Following an initial assessment, if Speech Therapy sessions are recommended and appropriate, a programme can be tailored to the needs of your child. Parents will be able to observe sessions and will be provided activities and materials, enabling follow up at home. Key staff involved with a child are welcome to observe our sessions, with the appropriate consent.
Progress will be regularly reviewed against targets and discussed with parents or carers.
EHCP Assessment and Detailed Report - For families
A Speech and Language Therapist will conduct a detailed, in depth and comprehensive assessment of your child. The Therapist will use a mix formal and informal approaches and also gather information from a variety of sources including:
· Obtaining a detailed case history
· Other professionals working with your child
· Reviewing any previous assessments, reports and documentation
A detailed ‘Contribution to an Educational Health Care Plan Report’ will be provided with a follow up discussion and explanation.
£80 p/h
Additional services
Our standard hourly rate for provision of additional ad-hoc services, for example;
Meetings with other professionals
Attending annual reviews
Additional letters, reports or Therapy Programmes written at the clients request.
Additional services will be agreed in advance with the client.